martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010


Hay que mirarse desde el inicio a la página 11. Estas son las preguntas en inglés. A ver qué podemos hacer. Un consejo: Yo intentaría responderlas, e incluso ponerlas en inglés.
1. Order chronologically the 5 main historical periods in the history of the world.
2. Which two features are essentially prehistoric?
3. Do the same thing with an Homo.
4. Where and when did the first Homo species appear in the Iberian Peninsula? When did H Sapiens finally arrive and with what consequences? see IMAGES AND TEXT P. 8
5. Why were caves permanent habitats during the Paleolithic? *
6. Name the three features of any Paleolithic community.
7. Name the basic innovations and Homo species of each Paleolithic period:
8. Which is the most ancient paeninsular paleolithical deposit? *
9. Does Murcia contain any important deposit? From when? MAP P. 9
10. What is the name of paleolithical art? Why? *
11. What has been the interpretation of cave paintings?
12. Differ northern cave painting from the Levantine one.
13. Which is the most famous cave?
14. How and when does Neolithic arrive in our paeninsula?
15. Essentially, what differs Paleolithic from Neolithic?
16. What differed in terms of habitat, Initial Neolithic from the following period?
17. As to material cultures, how did Neolithic evolve?
18. How do we know they had division of labor? And Mining and Trade?
19. Why did people in our peninsula become more sedentary? Name an example.
20. Copper metallurgy appears between the third and the second millennium b.C. What cultural and material forms appear associated to it?
21. What technological innovation appears around 1700 b.C.? Why is it specially linked to Murcia?
22. Remember, the great Copper material culture is...., and the Great Bronze culture is...
23. Socially, what changes?
24. What is the other Bronze regional culture in what is now Spain?
25. There are two important migrations in our peninsula to the end of the second millennium (Bronze Final). Name them.
26. What two important innovations came with them? Any local culture?

2 comentarios:

  1. antonio hay que contestar todas las preguntas paramañana? goretti y maria

  2. No, o sí, si queréis llevarlo más o menos preparado. Cuando demos la clase, yo os pondré las respuestas en inglés, si queréis.
