jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

8º SESSION: questions and answers Up to the XIIIth century plus Camino de Santiago

Which was the main economic source of income for northern Christian kingdoms from the XI century on?
The Way of St James (Camino de Santiago), after the discovery of the apostle St James´s remains in the Field of the Star (Campus Stellae, Compostela). SEE MAP 51 DWN.

All kinds of religious buildings were built. What other factor do you think had an influence on this religious effervescence?
The arrival of mozarabes, who must have been desperate to be permitted their worship.

Name two other things that came to Spain via El Camino.
Lots of European innovations such as Romanesque and Gothic arts (IMG 51 DWN), and of course the activation of economy and urbanism.
1. Which were the first northwestern Christian petty territories?
Kingdom of Pamplona (future Navarra) and counties in Aragon (Aragon, Sobrarbe and Ribagorza), and in future Catalunya. MAP P. 52.

2. What was the origin of these territories? Summarize the evolution and its consequences.
The Carolingian Spanish Mark. Charlemagne (IMG 52), tried an expedition into andalusian lands. He only got to Zaragoza, and he fortified his conquests. European Feudalism was present here (TEXT 52).

3. When did independence from the Franks happen?
Around the end of the first third of the IX century (Aznar Galíndez in Aragon and the Aristas in Pamplona).

4. How did the expansion of Pamplona happen?
With the support of Asturias- León, they fought muslims in what is now La Rioja (the Jimena dynasty, from the X century).

5. The catalan counties had a different situation. Why?
Frank presence endured almost into the late X century.

6. Which among them came to be the most important?
The county of Barcelona.

7. Pamplona thrived greatly in the XI century. Under which King? What were the components of that hegemony?
Sancho III the Elder. It took the counties in Aragon and Castilla. But not only that, kings of Leon and counts of Barcelona were his vassals, and even in southern France he was respected. MAP P. 53.

8. What did Sancho do with his heritage? Which two kingdoms appeared in the process?
Divide it among his sons. Aragon and Castile, no more a county.
Consolidación de los reinos:
9. Which among Sancho´s sons ended up as the real heir to his father´s might?
Fernando I of Castile, who ended up being also king of Leon.

10. Summarize the evolution of the Christian kingdoms.
Castile and Leon were finally unified under the name of Castile in the XIII century, soon to be one of the mightiest kingdoms, though it lost the county, future realm of Portugal, to the end of the XII century (TEXT CTER P. 53).
Pamplona, known as the kingdom of Navarre since the end of the XII century, was annexed to Aragon incidentally, lost territory to Castile and ended with no muslim border, though it cooperated in the Christian “reconquest”. During the late Middle Ages it came under the influence of France.
Aragon knew its expansion under Alfonso I (IMAGE P. 53), whose problematic testament started a period of internal strife. It all ended with the realm´s union with the catalan territories of the House of Barcelona (1137), thus shaping the other great christian kingdom.
La expansion de los siglos XI y XII:
11. Why did christians initiate a full scale in the second half of the XI century?FOR ALL OF IT, SEE MAP IN P. 54.
The caliphate disappeared and they could exact tributes or Parias from the resulting petty Taifa kingdoms, thus rearming and strengthening their armies.

12. The Tajo basin was taken by two leonese or Castilian kings. Name them and their main achievement.
Fernando I (took Coimbra and forced the payment of tributes), and Alfonso VI, who took Toledo, the visigothic capital.

13. What was the muslim strategy? Summarize its results.
Call to their aid north african muslims: almoravids (between the end of the XI and beginning of the XII century), and Almohads (second half of the XII century). Christians were stopped.

14. The situation was rather different to the east, in the Ebro basin. Why?
Aragonese and catalan rulers such as Alfonso I or Ramon Berenguer IV took in this years what is now Aragon and Cataluña.

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