viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2010


1. Romanization was progressive, we have just said. How long did roman conquest take and how did it begun? SEE MAP P. 17 UP.
200 years. During the second Punic War. Around the end of the III b. C, Carthage saw the peninsula as the base for the land conquest of Rome, and so they colonized it. Rome saw the storming and conquest of Sagunto as a threat and so sent troops and defeated Carthage.
2. The second phase of the conquest took place in the first two thirds of the II b.C. What territory was taken? Was it easy for the romans? Name some indigenous leaders or cities.
The Central Plateau and the Balearic Islands. No. Viriato, Numancia (IMG 16 DWN).
3. Rome had its first emperor when the conquest finished, to the end of the I b.C. Where?
In the north, just like happened with the arabs, 7 centuries after.
4. What was the evolution of the roman provinces?
2 (early II b.C.), 3 (late I b.C.), 5 (late III AD), and 6 (IV AD). MAP 17 UP.
5. Can You guess which cities are today these roman provincial capitals?
Tarragona, Sevilla, Mérida, Cartagena, Braga.

6. What two origins did roman cities in Spain have?
Renovation of old cities or new army´s or administration´s foundations.
7. Which foundations were particularly roman? Name an example.
Army foundations, like León, but also Lyon in France. SEE IMG 18 UP.
8. What two parts had a roman city?
City itself and the rural surroundings.
9. Were communications efficient? Which were the main roman ways?
Yes. Augusta (A-7), De la Plata in the west and Transversal. Remember this design is far better than XIX century railroads, whose inefficiency we still suffer.
10. Describe the process by which Spanish roman cities were integrated in the empire, that is, they were Romanized.
In the beginning, those who had opposed Rome had less rights, towards the end of the I AD every one of them enjoyed the latin law and at the beginning of the III, all Spaniards became roman citizens.
11. What proves total integration of Spain in the roman world during the first century BC? Remember that roman Hispania included the current states of Spain and Portugal.
That it had roman economic structures: latifundium or great land estates, private land property, slave work, city as a distributor of output and currency.
12. Why did economy grow during roman times?
Rationalizing the running of agriculture, mining and farming. Also, by inserting Spain in the great Mediterranean trade routes. And of course, by technical innovation (irrigation, leaving fallow land, using draught animals).
13. Why did land property start to be unfairly distributed?
Because large pieces of the state land, or ager publicus, were made private by the senatorial or upper class (Possesores).
14. Did this happen only with the land?
No, pretty much the same with the famous and rich Spanish mines.
15. Name products which were then typical from our peninsula.
Cereals, Vine, Olive, fruits and vegetables, Salt and Salted fish or meat, many metals (like centuries before), Weapons, textiles like linen…
16. Apart from distributing output, why were Spanish cities also economically relevant?
17. Because of corporations or guilds created by craftsmen.
18. Where were the main Spanish sea ports during roman times?
Mediterranean and south atlantic coast.
19. How was roman society basically divided? How was this system organized?
Being slave or not. War prisoners and an important trade. TXT 19 DWN.
20. Was slavery important to roman economy? Why?
Yes. They provided labor in almost every activity.
21. Could any rich man in the roman empire be a part of the ruling minority?
No, usually one should have senatorial origins.
22. The cultural process known as Romanization meant total assumption of 5 features. Name them.
Language, Law, Religion, Ideology and social and economic structure.
23. What is the historical relevancy of roman language and law?
One is the base for the romance languages and the other for western law.
24. Is there any significant religious Spanish contribution? CONCEPT P. 20 UP.
The Christian heresy of Priscillianism (church should be poor, women let into the cult…)
25. Which was the main feature in roman architecture and urbanism in Spain?
Pragmatism. SEE IMAGE 20 DOWN and P. 6.

26. What was the historical significance of the two first centuries AD in Europe? Politically, did Spain contribute?
Pax Romana, stability everywhere. Yes. The Antoninian dynasty, see CHART P. 20.
27. Difficulties started with two economic problems, which had their causes. Explain them.
The end of conquests and the granting of roman citizenship to all inhabitants in the Empire led to decreasing tax income and progressive rise in the cost of slaves.
28. How did all this led to later medieval Feudalism?
Slaves were substituted for colonists in the country estates. Because of increasing insecurity, this colonists put themselves under the protection of a rich and more powerful man, thus becoming some sort of serf. Furthermore, urban craftsmanship decayed. Both processes led to the ruralization of the empire.

29. What historical moment marks political rise for Christians in the roman empire? Why is there also rise in their wealth? *
390 Milan Edict gave them freedom, and by the end of next century Christianity was the only religion allowed for romans. They became richer because of donations to the Church.
30. Why did central political control decay?
Because of barbarian invasions. TEXT P. 21 DOWN. MAP IDEM.
31. From when did all this affect roman Spain? When did the decaying process end? IMG 21
Around 260 AD (last third of the III century AD). 476 AD (in the western half).

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